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Why does the help guide not explain how to delete a page break? Why do I have to google this to find out how to do something really damn simple?

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Thomas Reed over 1 year ago in  1

My problem is with NCH software, not with Wordperfect. They asked for details of my problem and I didn't save the details... now I have.

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Guest over 1 year ago in  0

Check your activation system. Every time I use the program it asks for activation again.

Anyone who is seeing the popup constantly
Guest over 1 year ago in  0

Trying to change font size but it doesn't happen

I am writing a long book and am trying to change the font size for a section heading. I highlight the text and change font size from 12 to 16 and it doesn't change. I get the following reveal codes: Font Size: 16 [12] pt. What does that mean? I ca...
Guest almost 2 years ago in  0

Add how to add link to YouTube and other Web files to Presentations

This information was provided to me by Level II support, because it is missing in the Help file and neither the Chat or Level I support knew how to do. You can add a hyperlink (speed link) to images and shapes in Presentations, but not to text.&nb...
Stephen Jaeger almost 2 years ago in  0

How do I cancel my subscription?

I downloaded a free trial of QuattroPro. I've decided to stick with Excel for now. I have 3 days left on the free trial. Do I need to do anything to avoid being charged for this?
Guest almost 2 years ago in  0

BLOCKCOPY does not work properly & it causes internal corruption of the spreadsheet

Issue #1: According to the HELP file, the first optional parameter (<ModelCopy?(0|1)> defaults to 0, so when I use a "1", all the other optional parameters (which default to "1") should now be active. However, this to be incorrect. One needs...
Dave Seitman almost 2 years ago in  0

Adding Microsoft Outlook Profiles to use within WordPerfect documents

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Guest almost 2 years ago in  1

Autosave function needed as comes standard with MSWord

Because one forgets to save the document periodically and end up losing your work. Power goes off unexpectedly, one is distracted and some countries have load shedding i.e. the power can and does go off unexpectedly.
Guest almost 2 years ago in  1

fix program unresponsive to "close" commands

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Guest almost 2 years ago in  0