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WordPerfect Office Ideas Portal
Created by Product Operations
Created on Nov 2, 2021

Better integration with Dragon

Corel and Nuance (Dragon speech recognition) need to work more closely together. Its probably Nuance's fault, but I can't move beyond WPX8 because Dragon Professional Individual 15, coming out before X9 and 2020, does not have "Select & Say" compatibility with X9 and 2020. Rumor has it that Nuance will soon come out with DPI 16, jump on that to make sure it comes out with compatibility with WP 2020. I understand its not that difficult, just one .dll or similar file for the hook into WP. Nuance should have released service releases with updated modules for DPI 15, but didn't.

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    Jan 15, 2022

    I agree that Corel and Nuance should be better able to work together. Now that Nuance is part of Microsoft, I don't see that happening any time soon. That is too bad -- I have used WordPerfect since ver. 3.5 but now, since I must use Dragon Medical Practice Edition for work, I will switch to a different word processor and dump Corel. The requirements for compatibility have been published for a long time and it is well within Corel's ability to provide the .dll file. Movement by Corel away from the .dll file that worked with prior versions (C:\Program Files (x86)\Nuance\NaturallySpeaking15\Program\dgnwp9.dll) is what broke the compatibility.