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WordPerfect Office Ideas Portal
Created by William shore
Created on Sep 11, 2024

Getting old, need background color options

Hi, I love Wordperfect but my staring at a bright white screen is too hard on my older eyes. I know about using the darker "Classic WP 5.1 Theme" but need a color in between. I find myself using WP 2021 less and less (preferring a free text editor called Jarte because it makes it very easy too change the background and even offers a line guide - which is invaluable). WP is just too painful on my eyes. Wordperrfect help sites online offer complicated macro solutions that I can't get to work (or fathom). If it was a simple matter of purchasing an add-in I would but - so far as I know - there are none available. I think this should be engineered into the product as it's a far more common NEED than many of the other settings options (most of which are only ocassionally useful). Any help would be greatly appreciated. Best to you guys (non-gendered).

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