When I am doing a Presentation there are times I want to have the ability to click on a hyperlink to go to a website and then back to the Presentation. Or, at least just have the Hyperlink in there so it registers with my team. But Presentations does not allow me to create a Hyperlink and instead it just looks really funky when its not a hyperlink. I like this option to be in there as I can have fun going to a website and then hop back into the presentation. Yes, this makes the programming look odd for the programmers, however, with as modern as our society is, its time to update presentations to meet the needs of today. If no one wants to use this ability then its up to them, but at least have it as an option for us to use in the tools of Presentations.
Select an object on your slide and click Format -> Object Properties -> SpeedLink. Change the Action parameter to "Browse Internet" and enter the URL, e. g. "www.google.com". Click View -> Play Slide Show and the web browser opens your URL when you click the object.