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WordPerfect Office Ideas Portal
Created by Anne Frye
Created on Jul 13, 2022

Need clean uninstall and clean install option/need repair installation option as well

Right now, and for several weeks, WP2021 has been crashing increasingly often when I work on files. It has gotten to the point that I open a file and as soon as I start to do anything it crashes. I am waiting to hear from tech support. I probably need to reinstall the program. Corel used to offer a repair files option in the install area, but that was discontinued some time ago. Other companies offer a clean install option. It might be that just the clean install tool would be sufficient. Either way, PLEASE give us these options, either through the install area or as a separate utility. Id like to see a clean uninstall AND a clean install option, the clean uninstall would help those who want to completely remove WP from their system. Im assuming that a clean install first removes all the files and then reinstalls the program, Im not 100% sure how it works. Nevertheless, having us try to track down all the places where registry files need to be removed, etc. is always a scary prospect as I rarely go into the registry. If you give us a uitility we can both be sure that it is done correctly. Plus, it would help save tech support resources, Im sure.

  • Attach files
  • Eric Surprenant
    Jul 20, 2022

    Hello Anne,

    Corel provides great Knowledge base articles, one specifically for WPO2021 Automatic and manual uninstall.

  • Anne Frye
    Jul 15, 2022

    Today I am STILL Waiting to hear from tech support so I decided to try and uninstall/reinstall WP myself. And, low and behold, repair the program has been added back to the options in the uninstall window! great. Now we just need a clean uninstall and clean reinstall options either in this area (which would make sense) or as a separate utiiity. THANK YOU for the repair option, I have just run it and hope that is all my WP needs to resolve my recent issues.

  • Bruce Craig
    Jul 14, 2022

    This is what a WP tech sent to me:

    R0 Reset WP

    I would recommend you perform a full factory reset. I'd like to have you try that to rule out any settings related issues. So, I'd like to have you do a full reset. Here's how:

    1. Press Win + R on your keyboard.

    2. Type %appdata% and click OK

    3. Right click on the Corel folder and select Rename

    4. Rename it to Corel_old and press enter

    5. Press Win + R on your keyboard

    6 .Type regedit and click OK

    7. Browse into HKEY_CURRENT_USER

    8. Browse into Software

    9. Locate Corel under Software

    10. Right click on Corel and choose Rename

    11. Rename it to Corel_old and press enter

    12. Close the Registry Editor

    13. Press Win+R on your keyboard

    14. Type %TEMP% and click Ok

    15. Press Ctrl+A to select all the files in the TEMP folder

    16. Press Shift+Delete on your keyboard

    17. If some files cannot be deleted, it's OK to click Skip

    18. Restart the computer

    19. Retry WordPerfect

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