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WordPerfect Office Ideas Portal
Created by Product Operations
Created on Nov 2, 2021

Printing: Page Numbers

I have a document (book) where the actual page numbers start after a few pages of front matter (Table of Contents, Preface, etc.). When I try and print the pages numbered 1,2,3,4, and 5 it prints the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, etc. pages in the document. I don't have a problem printing the page numbered 6 or any subsequent pages. This is a bug in the program, according to the support staff.

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  • Bruce Craig
    Jul 14, 2022

    My book commences with i to x page numbering with no footer. The chapter pages are to commence with a footer and "custom" text with page numbering commencing with 1 on through 61. I can stop the i-x numbering, but the custom footer with text refuses to start with 1, but starts with i and etc. I've spent over two hours following every "how to" in the help files and NOTHING works correctly. The "insert page numbers" box to choose from, at "page" does not include the "1" style but only the "i" style. If I create a custom "page numbering" it does not display anything. Very frustrating.

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