I work in higher education and frequently, I need to copy things from the web. When I copy something from the web and paste it into WordPerfect two things do NOT happen. First, if there is a hyperlink in what I am copying, it does not paste into WP. Second, if there is a picture it does not copy either. If I want the picture I have to perform this as an additional copy and paste which takes a lot of extra time. I will say that in WORD it is just one copy and one paste. Thus, I find myself using WordPerfect less and less since I just don't have the time to loose messing with WordPerfect. I really want to use WordPerfect but it is just costing me too much time and frustration. I noted that a new version of WP is available. Since it does not do this, nor does it use unicode, I have no reason to upgrade. If you will add these two functionalities, I will be glad to upgrade, just let me know when.
WordPerfect Lightning can be used to transfer Web content to WordPerfect.
First option: Open the Web page in your browser and take a snapshot via WordPerfect Lightning. You can send the resulting graphics file to WordPerfect. The drawback is that you can’t edit the contents later.
Second option: Copy the contents of the Web page in your browser and paste them into a new WordPerfect Lightning note. Export the note or send it to WordPerfect. You will be able to edit the contents but the layout might be ugly.
(It’s a better option to open the Web page with WordPerfect because the result looks better and is still editable.)
There are two ways to import a web page:
Copy the URL (like http://www.example.com) and click File -> Open. Paste the URL into the "File name" box and click "Open as copy". You are asked if you want to download images, too. (If you click "Open", the file is opened in a tiny web browser).
Save the web page to an HTML file (which will save images into a directory) and open that file like you opened the URL (as copy). You can again import the images or just the HTML code.