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Black background

When I open WP 2021, why do I sometimes get a black background? How can I prevent/correct this?
Product Operations over 3 years ago in  0

Program occasionally does not respond

I am an author. I write novels and autosave as frequently as I can. However there are times that Word Perfect hangs up and says "not responding". At that point I can't type, I can't save what I have typed and often the frequent autosaves do not ge...
Product Operations over 3 years ago in  1

STILL does NOT open .DCX

Still doesn't open .DOCS TOTAL WASTE OF MY MONEY (and time)!!!!!!!!!HORRIBLE!!!!
Product Operations over 3 years ago in  0

Zotero integration

one of the most glaring limitations is the absence of a citation/bibliography generator. The Zotero programmers got real testy when repeatedly asked to create WP integration. I really don't want to use Libreoffice/Word if i don't have to
Product Operations over 3 years ago in  0

Access denied

When trying to save my document I get access deniedWord Perfect X9Windows 10
Product Operations over 3 years ago in  0

How do I rotae a docment?

I have a document sized to 10 wide by 7 tall on which I have two columns. I would like to print, but my printer will not allow anything wider than 8.5. I need to rotate the document so I can print it as a 7x10.
Product Operations over 3 years ago in  0

Improved Reference Center

Overall improvements and enhancements needed to the reference center
Product Operations over 3 years ago in  0

Display the character count in the application bar.

Often you are allowed only so many characters when completing an online form. I type the rough draft in WP. It would be nice to have fast access to the character count.
Product Operations over 3 years ago in  0

Watccom compatibiliy for writing

I'd like to be able to use a Watcom tablet as an alternative to a keyboard especially in light of portable with detachable keybaord/touchscreens. Sometimes I find writing by hand less annoying compared to a keyboard sometimes
Product Operations over 3 years ago in  0

File save-as Mobi

Just an fyi, there is no equivalent option in "file save" to save as a mobi file (the ultimate target format), Your engineers are working on the problem with epub and hopefully also mobi?.
Product Operations over 3 years ago in  0