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Line Spacing issues

as you can see some lines are single spaced and other are wide spaced very irritating when I am doing documents There is no cost to obtain one. The Paper Safe is provided free of charge by AVVA. Please contact our AVVA Chapter Representative, Be...
CHARLES REED almost 2 years ago in  0

WP randomly inserts clauses

While I'm typing away, I'll look up at the screen and see that WP has randomly inserted whole phrases that were typed earlier -- very disconcerting! Is there a fix?
Guest about 2 years ago in  0

Paul Heyman Net Worth, Age, And Personal Life

Paul Heyman net worth of $10 million. He is an American businessman. Paul Heyman, a Scarsdale, New York, native, began his career as an entrepreneur while he was still in elementary school. He operated a home-based sports memorabilia business. He ...
net worth about 2 years ago in  0

olá como desativar esse janela, toda vez que eu copio Ctrl+V um documento ele aparece: (Clipbook - copy.

Clipbook - copy
Guest about 2 years ago in  0

Add "Ignore: Italic" to the codes menu, during search & replace

After creating an old file, in another program, I imported it over into WP. Yet, a lot of paragraph-related codes, showed up, during conversion. So, I had to invoke search + replace, many times to get rid of them. Surprisingly, though, not all wer...
William Sheehan about 2 years ago in  0

When I open a PDF-file in WordPerfect21, the program can not recognize the Danish characters æ, ø and å. Obviously the “ASCII” is used to reed the PDF-text. Would it bee possibly to install a reeding-system, which includes the Danish characters? (Unicode?) Hans Ethelberg e-mail:

When I open a PDF-file in WordPerfect21, the program can not recognize the Danish characters æ, ø and å. Obviously the “ASCII” is used to reed the PDF-text. Would it bee possibly to install a reeding-system, which includes the Danish characters? ...
Guest about 2 years ago in  0

Incremental zoom

I'm sorry to bring up the competition, but in all MS products, I can zoom in or out in fine (small) incrrments. In WP 21, I can select any zoom setting I want, but I'll only get either too small or way to big - nothing in between. Please, please i...
Dale Paus about 2 years ago in  1

Spell check highlighted text only

If I highlight a word, right-click and select 'Spell Check', I want it to check THAT WORD, NOT THE ENTIRE DOCUMENT
Dale Paus about 2 years ago in  0

PowToon a resource for Presenatations?

There is a great tool presentation program called PowToon and it looks like it will be a excellent addition to Presentations ability and build out for anything we want to do for our presentations in the future.
Guest about 2 years ago in  0

Presentations hyperlinks not allowed?

When I am doing a Presentation there are times I want to have the ability to click on a hyperlink to go to a website and then back to the Presentation. Or, at least just have the Hyperlink in there so it registers with my team. But Presentations d...
Guest about 2 years ago in  1